bcs: { Address: BcsType<string, string | Uint8Array>; AppId: BcsType<{ $kind: "Sui"; Sui: true; }, { Sui: null | boolean | object; }>; Argument: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">, EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>>; Bool: BcsType<boolean, boolean>; CallArg: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }; Receiving: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }; SharedObject: { initialSharedVersion: string; mutable: boolean; objectId: string; }; }, "ImmOrOwnedObject" | "SharedObject" | "Receiving">; Pure: { bytes: string; }; }, "Pure" | "Object">, EnumInputShape<{ Object: EnumInputShape<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: { digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }; Receiving: { digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }; SharedObject: { initialSharedVersion: string | number | bigint; mutable: boolean; objectId: string | Uint8Array; }; }>; Pure: { bytes: string | Uint8Array; }; }>>; Command: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; type: null | string; }; MergeCoins: { destination: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">; sources: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; }; MoveCall: { arguments: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; function: string; module: string; package: string; typeArguments: string[]; }; Publish: { dependencies: string[]; modules: string[]; }; SplitCoins: { amounts: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; coin: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">; }; TransferObjects: { address: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">; objects: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; }; Upgrade: { dependencies: string[]; modules: string[]; package: string; ticket: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">; }; }, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">, EnumInputShape<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>> & { length: number; }; type: null | string; }; MergeCoins: { destination: EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>; sources: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>> & { length: number; }; }; MoveCall: { arguments: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>> & { length: number; }; function: string; module: string; package: string | Uint8Array; typeArguments: Iterable<string | TypeTag> & { length: number; }; }; Publish: { dependencies: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & { length: number; }; modules: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & { length: number; }; }; SplitCoins: { amounts: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>> & { length: number; }; coin: EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>; }; TransferObjects: { address: EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>; objects: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>> & { length: number; }; }; Upgrade: { dependencies: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & { length: number; }; modules: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & { length: number; }; package: string | Uint8Array; ticket: EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>; }; }>>; CompressedSignature: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ED25519: number[]; Secp256k1: number[]; Secp256r1: number[]; ZkLogin: number[]; }, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">, EnumInputShape<{ ED25519: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; }>>; GasData: BcsType<{ budget: string; owner: string; payment: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; price: string; }, { budget: string | number | bigint; owner: string | Uint8Array; payment: Iterable<{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }> & { length: number; }; price: string | number | bigint; }>; Intent: BcsType<{ appId: { $kind: "Sui"; Sui: true; }; scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ CheckpointSummary: true; PersonalMessage: true; TransactionData: true; TransactionEffects: true; }, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">; version: { $kind: "V0"; V0: true; }; }, { appId: { Sui: null | boolean | object; }; scope: EnumInputShape<{ CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object; PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object; TransactionData: null | boolean | object; TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object; }>; version: { V0: null | boolean | object; }; }>; IntentMessage: (<T>(T) => BcsType<{ intent: { appId: { $kind: "Sui"; Sui: true; }; scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ CheckpointSummary: true; PersonalMessage: true; TransactionData: true; TransactionEffects: true; }, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">; version: { $kind: "V0"; V0: true; }; }; value: T extends BcsType<U_2, any> ? U_2 : never; }, { intent: { appId: { Sui: null | boolean | object; }; scope: EnumInputShape<{ CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object; PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object; TransactionData: null | boolean | object; TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object; }>; version: { V0: null | boolean | object; }; }; value: T extends BcsType<any, U_3> ? U_3 : never; }>); IntentScope: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ CheckpointSummary: true; PersonalMessage: true; TransactionData: true; TransactionEffects: true; }, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">, EnumInputShape<{ CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object; PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object; TransactionData: null | boolean | object; TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object; }>>; IntentVersion: BcsType<{ $kind: "V0"; V0: true; }, { V0: null | boolean | object; }>; MultiSig: BcsType<{ bitmap: number; multisig_pk: { pk_map: { pubKey: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ED25519: number[]; Secp256k1: number[]; Secp256r1: number[]; ZkLogin: number[]; }, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">; weight: number; }[]; threshold: number; }; sigs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ED25519: number[]; Secp256k1: number[]; Secp256r1: number[]; ZkLogin: number[]; }, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">[]; }, { bitmap: number; multisig_pk: { pk_map: Iterable<{ pubKey: EnumInputShape<{ ED25519: Iterable<(...
)> & { length: ...
; }; Secp256k1: Iterable<(...
)> & { length: ...
; }; Secp256r1: Iterable<(...
)> & { length: ...
; }; ZkLogin: Iterable<(...
)> & { length: ...
; }; }>; weight: number; }> & { length: number; }; threshold: number; }; sigs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ ED25519: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; }>> & { length: number; }; }>; MultiSigPkMap: BcsType<{ pubKey: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ED25519: number[]; Secp256k1: number[]; Secp256r1: number[]; ZkLogin: number[]; }, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">; weight: number; }, { pubKey: EnumInputShape<{ ED25519: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; }>; weight: number; }>; MultiSigPublicKey: BcsType<{ pk_map: { pubKey: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ED25519: number[]; Secp256k1: number[]; Secp256r1: number[]; ZkLogin: number[]; }, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">; weight: number; }[]; threshold: number; }, { pk_map: Iterable<{ pubKey: EnumInputShape<{ ED25519: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; }>; weight: number; }> & { length: number; }; threshold: number; }>; ObjectArg: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }; Receiving: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }; SharedObject: { initialSharedVersion: string; mutable: boolean; objectId: string; }; }, "ImmOrOwnedObject" | "SharedObject" | "Receiving">, EnumInputShape<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: { digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }; Receiving: { digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }; SharedObject: { initialSharedVersion: string | number | bigint; mutable: boolean; objectId: string | Uint8Array; }; }>>; ObjectDigest: BcsType<string, string>; ProgrammableMoveCall: BcsType<{ arguments: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; function: string; module: string; package: string; typeArguments: string[]; }, { arguments: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: null | boolean | object; Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [number, number]; Result: number; }>> & { length: number; }; function: string; module: string; package: string | Uint8Array; typeArguments: Iterable<string | TypeTag> & { length: number; }; }>; ProgrammableTransaction: BcsType<{ commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; type: null | string; }; MergeCoins: { destination: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">; sources: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; }; MoveCall: { arguments: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; function: string; module: string; package: string; typeArguments: string[]; }; Publish: { dependencies: string[]; modules: string[]; }; SplitCoins: { amounts: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; coin: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">; }; TransferObjects: { address: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">; objects: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[]; }; Upgrade: { dependencies: string[]; modules: string[]; package: string; ticket: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: true; Input: number; NestedResult: [number, number]; Result: number; }, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">; }; }, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">[]; inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }; Receiving: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }; SharedObject: { initialSharedVersion: string; mutable: boolean; objectId: string; }; }, "ImmOrOwnedObject" | "SharedObject" | "Receiving">; Pure: { bytes: string; }; }, "Pure" | "Object">[]; }, { commands: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...
)>> & { length: number; }; type: null | string; }; MergeCoins: { destination: EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }>; sources: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...
)>> & { length: number; }; }; MoveCall: { arguments: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...
)>> & { length: number; }; function: string; module: string; package: string | Uint8Array; typeArguments: Iterable<(...
) | (...
)> & { length: number; }; }; Publish: { dependencies: Iterable<(...
) | (...
)> & { length: number; }; modules: Iterable<(...
) | (...
)> & { length: number; }; }; SplitCoins: { amounts: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...
)>> & { length: number; }; coin: EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }>; }; TransferObjects: { address: EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }>; objects: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...
)>> & { length: number; }; }; Upgrade: { dependencies: Iterable<(...
) | (...
)> & { length: number; }; modules: Iterable<(...
) | (...
)> & { length: number; }; package: string | Uint8Array; ticket: EnumInputShape<{ GasCoin: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); Input: number; NestedResult: readonly [(...
), (...
)]; Result: number; }>; }; }>> & { length: number; }; inputs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ Object: EnumInputShape<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: { digest: string; objectId: (...
) | (...
); version: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); }; Receiving: { digest: string; objectId: (...
) | (...
); version: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); }; SharedObject: { initialSharedVersion: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); mutable: boolean; objectId: (...
) | (...
); }; }>; Pure: { bytes: string | Uint8Array; }; }>> & { length: number; }; }>; PublicKey: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ED25519: number[]; Secp256k1: number[]; Secp256r1: number[]; ZkLogin: number[]; }, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">, EnumInputShape<{ ED25519: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & { length: number; }; }>>; SenderSignedData: BcsType<{ intentMessage: { intent: { appId: { $kind: "Sui"; Sui: true; }; scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ CheckpointSummary: true; PersonalMessage: true; TransactionData: true; TransactionEffects: true; }, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">; version: { $kind: "V0"; V0: true; }; }; value: { $kind: "V1"; V1: { expiration: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Epoch: number; None: true; }, "None" | "Epoch">; gasData: { budget: string; owner: string; payment: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; price: string; }; kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ChangeEpoch: true; ConsensusCommitPrologue: true; Genesis: true; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: (...
)[]; inputs: (...
)[]; }; }, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">; sender: string; }; }; }; txSignatures: string[]; }[], Iterable<{ intentMessage: { intent: { appId: { Sui: null | boolean | object; }; scope: EnumInputShape<{ CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object; PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object; TransactionData: null | boolean | object; TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object; }>; version: { V0: null | boolean | object; }; }; value: { V1: { expiration: EnumInputShape<{ Epoch: (...
) | (...
); None: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); }>; gasData: { budget: string | number | bigint; owner: string | Uint8Array; payment: Iterable<(...
)> & { length: ...
; }; price: string | number | bigint; }; kind: EnumInputShape<{ ChangeEpoch: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); ConsensusCommitPrologue: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); Genesis: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: ...
; inputs: ...
; }; }>; sender: string | Uint8Array; }; }; }; txSignatures: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & { length: number; }; }> & { length: number; }>; SenderSignedTransaction: BcsType<{ intentMessage: { intent: { appId: { $kind: "Sui"; Sui: true; }; scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ CheckpointSummary: true; PersonalMessage: true; TransactionData: true; TransactionEffects: true; }, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">; version: { $kind: "V0"; V0: true; }; }; value: { $kind: "V1"; V1: { expiration: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Epoch: number; None: true; }, "None" | "Epoch">; gasData: { budget: string; owner: string; payment: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; price: string; }; kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ChangeEpoch: true; ConsensusCommitPrologue: true; Genesis: true; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>[]; inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>[]; }; }, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">; sender: string; }; }; }; txSignatures: string[]; }, { intentMessage: { intent: { appId: { Sui: null | boolean | object; }; scope: EnumInputShape<{ CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object; PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object; TransactionData: null | boolean | object; TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object; }>; version: { V0: null | boolean | object; }; }; value: { V1: { expiration: EnumInputShape<{ Epoch: string | number; None: null | boolean | object; }>; gasData: { budget: string | number | bigint; owner: string | Uint8Array; payment: Iterable<{ digest: string; objectId: (...
) | (...
); version: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); }> & { length: number; }; price: string | number | bigint; }; kind: EnumInputShape<{ ChangeEpoch: null | boolean | object; ConsensusCommitPrologue: null | boolean | object; Genesis: null | boolean | object; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: Iterable<(...
)> & { length: ...
; }; inputs: Iterable<(...
)> & { length: ...
; }; }; }>; sender: string | Uint8Array; }; }; }; txSignatures: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & { length: number; }; }>; SharedObjectRef: BcsType<{ initialSharedVersion: string; mutable: boolean; objectId: string; }, { initialSharedVersion: string | number | bigint; mutable: boolean; objectId: string | Uint8Array; }>; String: BcsType<string, string>; StructTag: BcsType<{ address: string; module: string; name: string; typeParams: string[]; }, { address: string | Uint8Array; module: string; name: string; typeParams: Iterable<string | TypeTag> & { length: number; }; }>; SuiObjectRef: BcsType<{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }, { digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }>; TransactionData: BcsType<{ $kind: "V1"; V1: { expiration: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Epoch: number; None: true; }, "None" | "Epoch">; gasData: { budget: string; owner: string; payment: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; price: string; }; kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ChangeEpoch: true; ConsensusCommitPrologue: true; Genesis: true; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: ...
; type: ...
; }; MergeCoins: { destination: ...
; sources: ...
; }; MoveCall: { arguments: ...
; function: ...
; module: ...
; package: ...
; typeArguments: ...
; }; Publish: { dependencies: ...
; modules: ...
; }; SplitCoins: { amounts: ...
; coin: ...
; }; TransferObjects: { address: ...
; objects: ...
; }; Upgrade: { dependencies: ...
; modules: ...
; package: ...
; ticket: ...
; }; }, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">[]; inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>; Pure: { bytes: ...
; }; }, "Pure" | "Object">[]; }; }, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">; sender: string; }; }, { V1: { expiration: EnumInputShape<{ Epoch: string | number; None: null | boolean | object; }>; gasData: { budget: string | number | bigint; owner: string | Uint8Array; payment: Iterable<{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }> & { length: number; }; price: string | number | bigint; }; kind: EnumInputShape<{ ChangeEpoch: null | boolean | object; ConsensusCommitPrologue: null | boolean | object; Genesis: null | boolean | object; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ MakeMoveVec: ...
; MergeCoins: ...
; MoveCall: ...
; Publish: ...
; SplitCoins: ...
; TransferObjects: ...
; Upgrade: ...
; }>> & { length: number; }; inputs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ Object: ...
; Pure: ...
; }>> & { length: number; }; }; }>; sender: string | Uint8Array; }; }>; TransactionDataV1: BcsType<{ expiration: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Epoch: number; None: true; }, "None" | "Epoch">; gasData: { budget: string; owner: string; payment: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; price: string; }; kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ChangeEpoch: true; ConsensusCommitPrologue: true; Genesis: true; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: (...
)[]; type: (...
) | (...
); }; MergeCoins: { destination: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>; sources: (...
)[]; }; MoveCall: { arguments: (...
)[]; function: string; module: string; package: string; typeArguments: (...
)[]; }; Publish: { dependencies: (...
)[]; modules: (...
)[]; }; SplitCoins: { amounts: (...
)[]; coin: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>; }; TransferObjects: { address: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>; objects: (...
)[]; }; Upgrade: { dependencies: (...
)[]; modules: (...
)[]; package: string; ticket: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>; }; }, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">[]; inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: ...
; Receiving: ...
; SharedObject: ...
; }, (...
) | (...
) | (...
)>; Pure: { bytes: string; }; }, "Pure" | "Object">[]; }; }, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">; sender: string; }, { expiration: EnumInputShape<{ Epoch: string | number; None: null | boolean | object; }>; gasData: { budget: string | number | bigint; owner: string | Uint8Array; payment: Iterable<{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }> & { length: number; }; price: string | number | bigint; }; kind: EnumInputShape<{ ChangeEpoch: null | boolean | object; ConsensusCommitPrologue: null | boolean | object; Genesis: null | boolean | object; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: ...
; type: ...
; }; MergeCoins: { destination: ...
; sources: ...
; }; MoveCall: { arguments: ...
; function: ...
; module: ...
; package: ...
; typeArguments: ...
; }; Publish: { dependencies: ...
; modules: ...
; }; SplitCoins: { amounts: ...
; coin: ...
; }; TransferObjects: { address: ...
; objects: ...
; }; Upgrade: { dependencies: ...
; modules: ...
; package: ...
; ticket: ...
; }; }>> & { length: number; }; inputs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ Object: EnumInputShape<(...
)>; Pure: { bytes: ...
; }; }>> & { length: number; }; }; }>; sender: string | Uint8Array; }>; TransactionEffects: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ V1: { created: [{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ AddressOwner: string; Immutable: true; ObjectOwner: string; Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string; }; }, "AddressOwner" | "ObjectOwner" | "Shared" | "Immutable">][]; deleted: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; dependencies: string[]; eventsDigest: undefined | null | string; executedEpoch: string; gasObject: [{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ AddressOwner: string; Immutable: true; ObjectOwner: string; Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string; }; }, "AddressOwner" | "ObjectOwner" | "Shared" | "Immutable">]; gasUsed: { computationCost: string; nonRefundableStorageFee: string; storageCost: string; storageRebate: string; }; modifiedAtVersions: [string, string][]; mutated: [{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ AddressOwner: string; Immutable: true; ObjectOwner: string; Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string; }; }, "AddressOwner" | "ObjectOwner" | "Shared" | "Immutable">][]; sharedObjects: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; status: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Failed: { command: undefined | null | string; error: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ArityMismatch: true; CertificateDenied: true; CircularObjectOwnership: { object: ...
; }; CoinBalanceOverflow: true; CommandArgumentError: { argIdx: ...
; kind: ...
; }; EffectsTooLarge: { currentSize: ...
; maxSize: ...
; }; FeatureNotYetSupported: true; FunctionNotFound: true; InputObjectDeleted: true; InsufficientCoinBalance: true; InsufficientGas: true; InvalidGasObject: true; InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: { idx: ...
; }; InvalidTransferObject: true; InvariantViolation: true; MoveAbort: [(...
), (...
)]; MoveObjectTooBig: { maxObjectSize: ...
; objectSize: ...
; }; MovePackageTooBig: { maxObjectSize: ...
; objectSize: ...
; }; MovePrimitiveRuntimeError: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); NonEntryFunctionInvoked: true; PackageUpgradeError: { upgradeError: ...
; }; PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: true; PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: true; PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: true; SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: true; SuiMoveVerificationError: true; SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: true; TypeArgumentError: { argumentIdx: ...
; kind: ...
; }; TypeArityMismatch: true; UnusedValueWithoutDrop: { resultIdx: ...
; secondaryIdx: ...
; }; VMInvariantViolation: true; VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: true; WrittenObjectsTooLarge: { currentSize: ...
; maxSize: ...
; }; }, "PackageUpgradeError" | "SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed" | "CommandArgumentError" | "TypeArgumentError" | "InsufficientGas" | "InvalidGasObject" | "InvariantViolation" | "FeatureNotYetSupported" | "MoveObjectTooBig" | "MovePackageTooBig" | "CircularObjectOwnership" | "InsufficientCoinBalance" | "CoinBalanceOverflow" | "PublishErrorNonZeroAddress" | "SuiMoveVerificationError" | "MovePrimitiveRuntimeError" | "MoveAbort" | "VMVerificationOrDeserializationError" | "VMInvariantViolation" | "FunctionNotFound" | "ArityMismatch" | "TypeArityMismatch" | "NonEntryFunctionInvoked" | "UnusedValueWithoutDrop" | "InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType" | "InvalidTransferObject" | "EffectsTooLarge" | "PublishUpgradeMissingDependency" | "PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade" | "WrittenObjectsTooLarge" | "CertificateDenied" | "SuiMoveVerificationTimedout" | "InputObjectDeleted">; }; Success: true; }, "Success" | "Failed">; transactionDigest: string; unwrapped: [{ digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ AddressOwner: string; Immutable: true; ObjectOwner: string; Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string; }; }, "AddressOwner" | "ObjectOwner" | "Shared" | "Immutable">][]; unwrappedThenDeleted: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; wrapped: { digest: string; objectId: string; version: string; }[]; }; V2: { auxDataDigest: undefined | null | string; changedObjects: [string, { idOperation: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Created: true; Deleted: true; None: true; }, "None" | "Created" | "Deleted">; inputState: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Exist: [(...
), (...
)]; NotExist: true; }, "NotExist" | "Exist">; outputState: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ NotExist: true; ObjectWrite: [(...
), (...
)]; PackageWrite: [(...
), (...
)]; }, "NotExist" | "ObjectWrite" | "PackageWrite">; }][]; dependencies: string[]; eventsDigest: undefined | null | string; executedEpoch: string; gasObjectIndex: undefined | null | number; gasUsed: { computationCost: string; nonRefundableStorageFee: string; storageCost: string; storageRebate: string; }; lamportVersion: string; status: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Failed: { command: undefined | null | string; error: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ArityMismatch: true; CertificateDenied: true; CircularObjectOwnership: { object: ...
; }; CoinBalanceOverflow: true; CommandArgumentError: { argIdx: ...
; kind: ...
; }; EffectsTooLarge: { currentSize: ...
; maxSize: ...
; }; FeatureNotYetSupported: true; FunctionNotFound: true; InputObjectDeleted: true; InsufficientCoinBalance: true; InsufficientGas: true; InvalidGasObject: true; InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: { idx: ...
; }; InvalidTransferObject: true; InvariantViolation: true; MoveAbort: [(...
), (...
)]; MoveObjectTooBig: { maxObjectSize: ...
; objectSize: ...
; }; MovePackageTooBig: { maxObjectSize: ...
; objectSize: ...
; }; MovePrimitiveRuntimeError: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); NonEntryFunctionInvoked: true; PackageUpgradeError: { upgradeError: ...
; }; PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: true; PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: true; PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: true; SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: true; SuiMoveVerificationError: true; SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: true; TypeArgumentError: { argumentIdx: ...
; kind: ...
; }; TypeArityMismatch: true; UnusedValueWithoutDrop: { resultIdx: ...
; secondaryIdx: ...
; }; VMInvariantViolation: true; VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: true; WrittenObjectsTooLarge: { currentSize: ...
; maxSize: ...
; }; }, "PackageUpgradeError" | "SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed" | "CommandArgumentError" | "TypeArgumentError" | "InsufficientGas" | "InvalidGasObject" | "InvariantViolation" | "FeatureNotYetSupported" | "MoveObjectTooBig" | "MovePackageTooBig" | "CircularObjectOwnership" | "InsufficientCoinBalance" | "CoinBalanceOverflow" | "PublishErrorNonZeroAddress" | "SuiMoveVerificationError" | "MovePrimitiveRuntimeError" | "MoveAbort" | "VMVerificationOrDeserializationError" | "VMInvariantViolation" | "FunctionNotFound" | "ArityMismatch" | "TypeArityMismatch" | "NonEntryFunctionInvoked" | "UnusedValueWithoutDrop" | "InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType" | "InvalidTransferObject" | "EffectsTooLarge" | "PublishUpgradeMissingDependency" | "PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade" | "WrittenObjectsTooLarge" | "CertificateDenied" | "SuiMoveVerificationTimedout" | "InputObjectDeleted">; }; Success: true; }, "Success" | "Failed">; transactionDigest: string; unchangedSharedObjects: [string, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ MutateDeleted: string; ReadDeleted: string; ReadOnlyRoot: [string, string]; }, "ReadOnlyRoot" | "MutateDeleted" | "ReadDeleted">][]; }; }, "V1" | "V2">, EnumInputShape<{ V1: { created: Iterable<readonly [{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }, EnumInputShape<{ AddressOwner: (...
) | (...
); Immutable: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); ObjectOwner: (...
) | (...
); Shared: { initialSharedVersion: ...
; }; }>]> & { length: number; }; deleted: Iterable<{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }> & { length: number; }; dependencies: Iterable<string> & { length: number; }; eventsDigest: undefined | null | string; executedEpoch: string | number | bigint; gasObject: readonly [{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }, EnumInputShape<{ AddressOwner: string | Uint8Array; Immutable: null | boolean | object; ObjectOwner: string | Uint8Array; Shared: { initialSharedVersion: string | number | bigint; }; }>]; gasUsed: { computationCost: string | number | bigint; nonRefundableStorageFee: string | number | bigint; storageCost: string | number | bigint; storageRebate: string | number | bigint; }; modifiedAtVersions: Iterable<readonly [string | Uint8Array, string | number | bigint]> & { length: number; }; mutated: Iterable<readonly [{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }, EnumInputShape<{ AddressOwner: (...
) | (...
); Immutable: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); ObjectOwner: (...
) | (...
); Shared: { initialSharedVersion: ...
; }; }>]> & { length: number; }; sharedObjects: Iterable<{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }> & { length: number; }; status: EnumInputShape<{ Failed: { command: undefined | null | string | number | bigint; error: EnumInputShape<{ ArityMismatch: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); CertificateDenied: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); CircularObjectOwnership: { object: ...
; }; CoinBalanceOverflow: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); CommandArgumentError: { argIdx: ...
; kind: ...
; }; EffectsTooLarge: { currentSize: ...
; maxSize: ...
; }; FeatureNotYetSupported: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); FunctionNotFound: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InputObjectDeleted: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InsufficientCoinBalance: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InsufficientGas: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InvalidGasObject: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: { idx: ...
; }; InvalidTransferObject: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InvariantViolation: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); MoveAbort: readonly [(...
), (...
)]; MoveObjectTooBig: { maxObjectSize: ...
; objectSize: ...
; }; MovePackageTooBig: { maxObjectSize: ...
; objectSize: ...
; }; MovePrimitiveRuntimeError: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); NonEntryFunctionInvoked: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); PackageUpgradeError: { upgradeError: ...
; }; PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); SuiMoveVerificationError: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); TypeArgumentError: { argumentIdx: ...
; kind: ...
; }; TypeArityMismatch: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); UnusedValueWithoutDrop: { resultIdx: ...
; secondaryIdx: ...
; }; VMInvariantViolation: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); WrittenObjectsTooLarge: { currentSize: ...
; maxSize: ...
; }; }>; }; Success: null | boolean | object; }>; transactionDigest: string; unwrapped: Iterable<readonly [{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }, EnumInputShape<{ AddressOwner: (...
) | (...
); Immutable: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); ObjectOwner: (...
) | (...
); Shared: { initialSharedVersion: ...
; }; }>]> & { length: number; }; unwrappedThenDeleted: Iterable<{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }> & { length: number; }; wrapped: Iterable<{ digest: string; objectId: string | Uint8Array; version: string | number | bigint; }> & { length: number; }; }; V2: { auxDataDigest: undefined | null | string; changedObjects: Iterable<readonly [string | Uint8Array, { idOperation: EnumInputShape<{ Created: ...
; Deleted: ...
; None: ...
; }>; inputState: EnumInputShape<{ Exist: ...
; NotExist: ...
; }>; outputState: EnumInputShape<{ NotExist: ...
; ObjectWrite: ...
; PackageWrite: ...
; }>; }]> & { length: number; }; dependencies: Iterable<string> & { length: number; }; eventsDigest: undefined | null | string; executedEpoch: string | number | bigint; gasObjectIndex: undefined | null | number; gasUsed: { computationCost: string | number | bigint; nonRefundableStorageFee: string | number | bigint; storageCost: string | number | bigint; storageRebate: string | number | bigint; }; lamportVersion: string | number | bigint; status: EnumInputShape<{ Failed: { command: undefined | null | string | number | bigint; error: EnumInputShape<{ ArityMismatch: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); CertificateDenied: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); CircularObjectOwnership: { object: ...
; }; CoinBalanceOverflow: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); CommandArgumentError: { argIdx: ...
; kind: ...
; }; EffectsTooLarge: { currentSize: ...
; maxSize: ...
; }; FeatureNotYetSupported: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); FunctionNotFound: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InputObjectDeleted: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InsufficientCoinBalance: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InsufficientGas: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InvalidGasObject: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: { idx: ...
; }; InvalidTransferObject: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); InvariantViolation: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); MoveAbort: readonly [(...
), (...
)]; MoveObjectTooBig: { maxObjectSize: ...
; objectSize: ...
; }; MovePackageTooBig: { maxObjectSize: ...
; objectSize: ...
; }; MovePrimitiveRuntimeError: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); NonEntryFunctionInvoked: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); PackageUpgradeError: { upgradeError: ...
; }; PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); SuiMoveVerificationError: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); TypeArgumentError: { argumentIdx: ...
; kind: ...
; }; TypeArityMismatch: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); UnusedValueWithoutDrop: { resultIdx: ...
; secondaryIdx: ...
; }; VMInvariantViolation: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
); WrittenObjectsTooLarge: { currentSize: ...
; maxSize: ...
; }; }>; }; Success: null | boolean | object; }>; transactionDigest: string; unchangedSharedObjects: Iterable<readonly [string | Uint8Array, EnumInputShape<{ MutateDeleted: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); ReadDeleted: (...
) | (...
) | (...
); ReadOnlyRoot: readonly [(...
), (...
)]; }>]> & { length: number; }; }; }>>; TransactionExpiration: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Epoch: number; None: true; }, "None" | "Epoch">, EnumInputShape<{ Epoch: string | number; None: null | boolean | object; }>>; TransactionKind: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ChangeEpoch: true; ConsensusCommitPrologue: true; Genesis: true; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>[]; type: null | string; }; MergeCoins: { destination: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: ...
; Input: ...
; NestedResult: ...
; Result: ...
; }, (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
)>; sources: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>[]; }; MoveCall: { arguments: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>[]; function: string; module: string; package: string; typeArguments: string[]; }; Publish: { dependencies: string[]; modules: string[]; }; SplitCoins: { amounts: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>[]; coin: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: ...
; Input: ...
; NestedResult: ...
; Result: ...
; }, (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
)>; }; TransferObjects: { address: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: ...
; Input: ...
; NestedResult: ...
; Result: ...
; }, (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
)>; objects: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...
), (...
)>[]; }; Upgrade: { dependencies: string[]; modules: string[]; package: string; ticket: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ GasCoin: ...
; Input: ...
; NestedResult: ...
; Result: ...
; }, (...
) | (...
) | (...
) | (...
)>; }; }, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">[]; inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: { digest: ...
; objectId: ...
; version: ...
; }; Receiving: { digest: ...
; objectId: ...
; version: ...
; }; SharedObject: { initialSharedVersion: ...
; mutable: ...
; objectId: ...
; }; }, "ImmOrOwnedObject" | "SharedObject" | "Receiving">; Pure: { bytes: string; }; }, "Pure" | "Object">[]; }; }, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">, EnumInputShape<{ ChangeEpoch: null | boolean | object; ConsensusCommitPrologue: null | boolean | object; Genesis: null | boolean | object; ProgrammableTransaction: { commands: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ MakeMoveVec: { elements: (...
) & (...
); type: (...
) | (...
); }; MergeCoins: { destination: EnumInputShape<(...
)>; sources: (...
) & (...
); }; MoveCall: { arguments: (...
) & (...
); function: string; module: string; package: (...
) | (...
); typeArguments: (...
) & (...
); }; Publish: { dependencies: (...
) & (...
); modules: (...
) & (...
); }; SplitCoins: { amounts: (...
) & (...
); coin: EnumInputShape<(...
)>; }; TransferObjects: { address: EnumInputShape<(...
)>; objects: (...
) & (...
); }; Upgrade: { dependencies: (...
) & (...
); modules: (...
) & (...
); package: (...
) | (...
); ticket: EnumInputShape<(...
)>; }; }>> & { length: number; }; inputs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{ Object: EnumInputShape<{ ImmOrOwnedObject: ...
; Receiving: ...
; SharedObject: ...
; }>; Pure: { bytes: (...
) | (...
); }; }>> & { length: number; }; }; }>>; TypeTag: BcsType<string, string | TypeTag>; U128: BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>; U16: BcsType<number, number>; U256: BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>; U32: BcsType<number, number>; U64: BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>; U8: BcsType<number, number>; ULEB128: BcsType<number, number>; bool(options?): BcsType<boolean, boolean>; bytes<T>(size,
options?): BcsType<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>; enum<T_9>(name,
options?): BcsType<EnumOutputShape<{ [K_10 in string | number | symbol]: T_9[K_10] extends BcsType<U_6, any> ? U_6 : true }>, EnumInputShape<{ [K_11 in string | number | symbol]: T_9[K_11] extends BcsType<any, U_7> ? U_7 : null | boolean | object }>>; fixedArray<T_1, Input>(size,
options?): BcsType<T_1[], Iterable<Input> & { length: number; }>; lazy<T_10>(cb): T_10; map<K_12, V, InputK, InputV>(keyType,
valueType): BcsType<Map<K_12, V>, Map<InputK, InputV>>; option<T_2, Input_1>(type): BcsType<undefined | null | T_2, undefined | null | Input_1>; string(options?): BcsType<string, string>; struct<T_8>(name,
options?): BcsType<{ [K_6 in string | number | symbol]: T_8[K_6] extends BcsType<U_2, any> ? U_2 : never }, { [K_7 in string | number | symbol]: T_8[K_7] extends BcsType<any, U_3> ? U_3 : never }>; tuple<const Types>(types,
options?): BcsType<{ -readonly [K_2 in string | number | symbol]: Types[K_2<K_2>] extends BcsType<T_6, any> ? T_6 : never }, { [K_3 in string | number | symbol]: Types[K_3<K_3>] extends BcsType<any, T_7> ? T_7 : never }>; u128(options?): BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>; u16(options?): BcsType<number, number>; u256(options?): BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>; u32(options?): BcsType<number, number>; u64(options?): BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>; u8(options?): BcsType<number, number>; uleb128(options?): BcsType<number, number>; vector<T_3, Input_2>(type,
options?): BcsType<T_3[], Iterable<Input_2> & { length: number; }>; } = ... Type declaration
Address: BcsType<string, string | Uint8Array>
AppId: BcsType<{
$kind: "Sui";
Sui: true;
}, {
Sui: null | boolean | object;
Argument: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">, EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
Bool: BcsType<boolean, boolean>
CallArg: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
Receiving: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
SharedObject: {
initialSharedVersion: string;
mutable: boolean;
objectId: string;
}, "ImmOrOwnedObject" | "SharedObject" | "Receiving">;
Pure: {
bytes: string;
}, "Pure" | "Object">, EnumInputShape<{
Object: EnumInputShape<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: {
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
Receiving: {
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
SharedObject: {
initialSharedVersion: string | number | bigint;
mutable: boolean;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
Pure: {
bytes: string | Uint8Array;
Command: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
type: null | string;
MergeCoins: {
destination: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">;
sources: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
MoveCall: {
arguments: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
function: string;
module: string;
package: string;
typeArguments: string[];
Publish: {
dependencies: string[];
modules: string[];
SplitCoins: {
amounts: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
coin: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">;
TransferObjects: {
address: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">;
objects: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
Upgrade: {
dependencies: string[];
modules: string[];
package: string;
ticket: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">;
}, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">, EnumInputShape<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
}>> & {
length: number;
type: null | string;
MergeCoins: {
destination: EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
sources: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
}>> & {
length: number;
MoveCall: {
arguments: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
}>> & {
length: number;
function: string;
module: string;
package: string | Uint8Array;
typeArguments: Iterable<string | TypeTag> & {
length: number;
Publish: {
dependencies: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & {
length: number;
modules: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & {
length: number;
SplitCoins: {
amounts: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
}>> & {
length: number;
coin: EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
TransferObjects: {
address: EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
objects: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
}>> & {
length: number;
Upgrade: {
dependencies: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & {
length: number;
modules: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & {
length: number;
package: string | Uint8Array;
ticket: EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
CompressedSignature: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ED25519: number[];
Secp256k1: number[];
Secp256r1: number[];
ZkLogin: number[];
}, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">, EnumInputShape<{
ED25519: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
GasData: BcsType<{
budget: string;
owner: string;
payment: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
price: string;
}, {
budget: string | number | bigint;
owner: string | Uint8Array;
payment: Iterable<{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}> & {
length: number;
price: string | number | bigint;
Intent: BcsType<{
appId: {
$kind: "Sui";
Sui: true;
scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
CheckpointSummary: true;
PersonalMessage: true;
TransactionData: true;
TransactionEffects: true;
}, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">;
version: {
$kind: "V0";
V0: true;
}, {
appId: {
Sui: null | boolean | object;
scope: EnumInputShape<{
CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object;
PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object;
TransactionData: null | boolean | object;
TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object;
version: {
V0: null | boolean | object;
IntentMessage: (<T>(T) => BcsType<{
intent: {
appId: {
$kind: "Sui";
Sui: true;
scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
CheckpointSummary: true;
PersonalMessage: true;
TransactionData: true;
TransactionEffects: true;
}, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">;
version: {
$kind: "V0";
V0: true;
value: T extends BcsType<U_2, any>
? U_2
: never;
}, {
intent: {
appId: {
Sui: null | boolean | object;
scope: EnumInputShape<{
CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object;
PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object;
TransactionData: null | boolean | object;
TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object;
version: {
V0: null | boolean | object;
value: T extends BcsType<any, U_3>
? U_3
: never;
- <T>(T): BcsType<{
intent: {
appId: {
$kind: "Sui";
Sui: true;
scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
CheckpointSummary: true;
PersonalMessage: true;
TransactionData: true;
TransactionEffects: true;
}, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">;
version: {
$kind: "V0";
V0: true;
value: T extends BcsType<U_2, any>
? U_2
: never;
}, {
intent: {
appId: {
Sui: null | boolean | object;
scope: EnumInputShape<{
CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object;
PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object;
TransactionData: null | boolean | object;
TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object;
version: {
V0: null | boolean | object;
value: T extends BcsType<any, U_3>
? U_3
: never;
}> Returns BcsType<{
intent: {
appId: {
$kind: "Sui";
Sui: true;
scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
CheckpointSummary: true;
PersonalMessage: true;
TransactionData: true;
TransactionEffects: true;
}, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">;
version: {
$kind: "V0";
V0: true;
value: T extends BcsType<U_2, any>
? U_2
: never;
}, {
intent: {
appId: {
Sui: null | boolean | object;
scope: EnumInputShape<{
CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object;
PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object;
TransactionData: null | boolean | object;
TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object;
version: {
V0: null | boolean | object;
value: T extends BcsType<any, U_3>
? U_3
: never;
IntentScope: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
CheckpointSummary: true;
PersonalMessage: true;
TransactionData: true;
TransactionEffects: true;
}, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">, EnumInputShape<{
CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object;
PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object;
TransactionData: null | boolean | object;
TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object;
IntentVersion: BcsType<{
$kind: "V0";
V0: true;
}, {
V0: null | boolean | object;
MultiSig: BcsType<{
bitmap: number;
multisig_pk: {
pk_map: {
pubKey: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ED25519: number[];
Secp256k1: number[];
Secp256r1: number[];
ZkLogin: number[];
}, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">;
weight: number;
threshold: number;
sigs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ED25519: number[];
Secp256k1: number[];
Secp256r1: number[];
ZkLogin: number[];
}, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">[];
}, {
bitmap: number;
multisig_pk: {
pk_map: Iterable<{
pubKey: EnumInputShape<{
ED25519: Iterable<(...)> & {
length: ...;
Secp256k1: Iterable<(...)> & {
length: ...;
Secp256r1: Iterable<(...)> & {
length: ...;
ZkLogin: Iterable<(...)> & {
length: ...;
weight: number;
}> & {
length: number;
threshold: number;
sigs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
ED25519: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
}>> & {
length: number;
MultiSigPkMap: BcsType<{
pubKey: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ED25519: number[];
Secp256k1: number[];
Secp256r1: number[];
ZkLogin: number[];
}, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">;
weight: number;
}, {
pubKey: EnumInputShape<{
ED25519: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
weight: number;
MultiSigPublicKey: BcsType<{
pk_map: {
pubKey: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ED25519: number[];
Secp256k1: number[];
Secp256r1: number[];
ZkLogin: number[];
}, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">;
weight: number;
threshold: number;
}, {
pk_map: Iterable<{
pubKey: EnumInputShape<{
ED25519: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
weight: number;
}> & {
length: number;
threshold: number;
ObjectArg: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
Receiving: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
SharedObject: {
initialSharedVersion: string;
mutable: boolean;
objectId: string;
}, "ImmOrOwnedObject" | "SharedObject" | "Receiving">, EnumInputShape<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: {
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
Receiving: {
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
SharedObject: {
initialSharedVersion: string | number | bigint;
mutable: boolean;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
ObjectDigest: BcsType<string, string>
ProgrammableMoveCall: BcsType<{
arguments: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
function: string;
module: string;
package: string;
typeArguments: string[];
}, {
arguments: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: null | boolean | object;
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [number, number];
Result: number;
}>> & {
length: number;
function: string;
module: string;
package: string | Uint8Array;
typeArguments: Iterable<string | TypeTag> & {
length: number;
ProgrammableTransaction: BcsType<{
commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
type: null | string;
MergeCoins: {
destination: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">;
sources: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
MoveCall: {
arguments: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
function: string;
module: string;
package: string;
typeArguments: string[];
Publish: {
dependencies: string[];
modules: string[];
SplitCoins: {
amounts: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
coin: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">;
TransferObjects: {
address: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">;
objects: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">[];
Upgrade: {
dependencies: string[];
modules: string[];
package: string;
ticket: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: true;
Input: number;
NestedResult: [number, number];
Result: number;
}, "GasCoin" | "Input" | "Result" | "NestedResult">;
}, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">[];
inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
Receiving: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
SharedObject: {
initialSharedVersion: string;
mutable: boolean;
objectId: string;
}, "ImmOrOwnedObject" | "SharedObject" | "Receiving">;
Pure: {
bytes: string;
}, "Pure" | "Object">[];
}, {
commands: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...)>> & {
length: number;
type: null | string;
MergeCoins: {
destination: EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
sources: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...)>> & {
length: number;
MoveCall: {
arguments: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...)>> & {
length: number;
function: string;
module: string;
package: string | Uint8Array;
typeArguments: Iterable<(...) | (...)> & {
length: number;
Publish: {
dependencies: Iterable<(...) | (...)> & {
length: number;
modules: Iterable<(...) | (...)> & {
length: number;
SplitCoins: {
amounts: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...)>> & {
length: number;
coin: EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
TransferObjects: {
address: EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
objects: Iterable<EnumInputShape<(...)>> & {
length: number;
Upgrade: {
dependencies: Iterable<(...) | (...)> & {
length: number;
modules: Iterable<(...) | (...)> & {
length: number;
package: string | Uint8Array;
ticket: EnumInputShape<{
GasCoin: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
Input: number;
NestedResult: readonly [(...), (...)];
Result: number;
}>> & {
length: number;
inputs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
Object: EnumInputShape<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: {
digest: string;
objectId: (...) | (...);
version: (...) | (...) | (...);
Receiving: {
digest: string;
objectId: (...) | (...);
version: (...) | (...) | (...);
SharedObject: {
initialSharedVersion: (...) | (...) | (...);
mutable: boolean;
objectId: (...) | (...);
Pure: {
bytes: string | Uint8Array;
}>> & {
length: number;
PublicKey: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ED25519: number[];
Secp256k1: number[];
Secp256r1: number[];
ZkLogin: number[];
}, "ED25519" | "Secp256k1" | "Secp256r1" | "ZkLogin">, EnumInputShape<{
ED25519: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256k1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
Secp256r1: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
ZkLogin: Iterable<number> & {
length: number;
SenderSignedData: BcsType<{
intentMessage: {
intent: {
appId: {
$kind: "Sui";
Sui: true;
scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
CheckpointSummary: true;
PersonalMessage: true;
TransactionData: true;
TransactionEffects: true;
}, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">;
version: {
$kind: "V0";
V0: true;
value: {
$kind: "V1";
V1: {
expiration: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Epoch: number;
None: true;
}, "None" | "Epoch">;
gasData: {
budget: string;
owner: string;
payment: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
price: string;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ChangeEpoch: true;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: true;
Genesis: true;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: (...)[];
inputs: (...)[];
}, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">;
sender: string;
txSignatures: string[];
}[], Iterable<{
intentMessage: {
intent: {
appId: {
Sui: null | boolean | object;
scope: EnumInputShape<{
CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object;
PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object;
TransactionData: null | boolean | object;
TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object;
version: {
V0: null | boolean | object;
value: {
V1: {
expiration: EnumInputShape<{
Epoch: (...) | (...);
None: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
gasData: {
budget: string | number | bigint;
owner: string | Uint8Array;
payment: Iterable<(...)> & {
length: ...;
price: string | number | bigint;
kind: EnumInputShape<{
ChangeEpoch: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
ConsensusCommitPrologue: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
Genesis: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: ...;
inputs: ...;
sender: string | Uint8Array;
txSignatures: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & {
length: number;
}> & {
length: number;
SenderSignedTransaction: BcsType<{
intentMessage: {
intent: {
appId: {
$kind: "Sui";
Sui: true;
scope: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
CheckpointSummary: true;
PersonalMessage: true;
TransactionData: true;
TransactionEffects: true;
}, "TransactionData" | "TransactionEffects" | "CheckpointSummary" | "PersonalMessage">;
version: {
$kind: "V0";
V0: true;
value: {
$kind: "V1";
V1: {
expiration: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Epoch: number;
None: true;
}, "None" | "Epoch">;
gasData: {
budget: string;
owner: string;
payment: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
price: string;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ChangeEpoch: true;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: true;
Genesis: true;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>[];
inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>[];
}, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">;
sender: string;
txSignatures: string[];
}, {
intentMessage: {
intent: {
appId: {
Sui: null | boolean | object;
scope: EnumInputShape<{
CheckpointSummary: null | boolean | object;
PersonalMessage: null | boolean | object;
TransactionData: null | boolean | object;
TransactionEffects: null | boolean | object;
version: {
V0: null | boolean | object;
value: {
V1: {
expiration: EnumInputShape<{
Epoch: string | number;
None: null | boolean | object;
gasData: {
budget: string | number | bigint;
owner: string | Uint8Array;
payment: Iterable<{
digest: string;
objectId: (...) | (...);
version: (...) | (...) | (...);
}> & {
length: number;
price: string | number | bigint;
kind: EnumInputShape<{
ChangeEpoch: null | boolean | object;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: null | boolean | object;
Genesis: null | boolean | object;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: Iterable<(...)> & {
length: ...;
inputs: Iterable<(...)> & {
length: ...;
sender: string | Uint8Array;
txSignatures: Iterable<string | Uint8Array> & {
length: number;
SharedObjectRef: BcsType<{
initialSharedVersion: string;
mutable: boolean;
objectId: string;
}, {
initialSharedVersion: string | number | bigint;
mutable: boolean;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
String: BcsType<string, string>
StructTag: BcsType<{
address: string;
module: string;
name: string;
typeParams: string[];
}, {
address: string | Uint8Array;
module: string;
name: string;
typeParams: Iterable<string | TypeTag> & {
length: number;
SuiObjectRef: BcsType<{
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
}, {
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
TransactionData: BcsType<{
$kind: "V1";
V1: {
expiration: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Epoch: number;
None: true;
}, "None" | "Epoch">;
gasData: {
budget: string;
owner: string;
payment: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
price: string;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ChangeEpoch: true;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: true;
Genesis: true;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: ...;
type: ...;
MergeCoins: {
destination: ...;
sources: ...;
MoveCall: {
arguments: ...;
function: ...;
module: ...;
package: ...;
typeArguments: ...;
Publish: {
dependencies: ...;
modules: ...;
SplitCoins: {
amounts: ...;
coin: ...;
TransferObjects: {
address: ...;
objects: ...;
Upgrade: {
dependencies: ...;
modules: ...;
package: ...;
ticket: ...;
}, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">[];
inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>;
Pure: {
bytes: ...;
}, "Pure" | "Object">[];
}, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">;
sender: string;
}, {
V1: {
expiration: EnumInputShape<{
Epoch: string | number;
None: null | boolean | object;
gasData: {
budget: string | number | bigint;
owner: string | Uint8Array;
payment: Iterable<{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}> & {
length: number;
price: string | number | bigint;
kind: EnumInputShape<{
ChangeEpoch: null | boolean | object;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: null | boolean | object;
Genesis: null | boolean | object;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
MakeMoveVec: ...;
MergeCoins: ...;
MoveCall: ...;
Publish: ...;
SplitCoins: ...;
TransferObjects: ...;
Upgrade: ...;
}>> & {
length: number;
inputs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
Object: ...;
Pure: ...;
}>> & {
length: number;
sender: string | Uint8Array;
TransactionDataV1: BcsType<{
expiration: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Epoch: number;
None: true;
}, "None" | "Epoch">;
gasData: {
budget: string;
owner: string;
payment: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
price: string;
kind: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ChangeEpoch: true;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: true;
Genesis: true;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: (...)[];
type: (...) | (...);
MergeCoins: {
destination: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>;
sources: (...)[];
MoveCall: {
arguments: (...)[];
function: string;
module: string;
package: string;
typeArguments: (...)[];
Publish: {
dependencies: (...)[];
modules: (...)[];
SplitCoins: {
amounts: (...)[];
coin: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>;
TransferObjects: {
address: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>;
objects: (...)[];
Upgrade: {
dependencies: (...)[];
modules: (...)[];
package: string;
ticket: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>;
}, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">[];
inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: ...;
Receiving: ...;
SharedObject: ...;
}, (...) | (...) | (...)>;
Pure: {
bytes: string;
}, "Pure" | "Object">[];
}, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">;
sender: string;
}, {
expiration: EnumInputShape<{
Epoch: string | number;
None: null | boolean | object;
gasData: {
budget: string | number | bigint;
owner: string | Uint8Array;
payment: Iterable<{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}> & {
length: number;
price: string | number | bigint;
kind: EnumInputShape<{
ChangeEpoch: null | boolean | object;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: null | boolean | object;
Genesis: null | boolean | object;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: ...;
type: ...;
MergeCoins: {
destination: ...;
sources: ...;
MoveCall: {
arguments: ...;
function: ...;
module: ...;
package: ...;
typeArguments: ...;
Publish: {
dependencies: ...;
modules: ...;
SplitCoins: {
amounts: ...;
coin: ...;
TransferObjects: {
address: ...;
objects: ...;
Upgrade: {
dependencies: ...;
modules: ...;
package: ...;
ticket: ...;
}>> & {
length: number;
inputs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
Object: EnumInputShape<(...)>;
Pure: {
bytes: ...;
}>> & {
length: number;
sender: string | Uint8Array;
TransactionEffects: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
V1: {
created: [{
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
}, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: {
initialSharedVersion: string;
}, "AddressOwner" | "ObjectOwner" | "Shared" | "Immutable">][];
deleted: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
dependencies: string[];
eventsDigest: undefined | null | string;
executedEpoch: string;
gasObject: [{
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
}, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: {
initialSharedVersion: string;
}, "AddressOwner" | "ObjectOwner" | "Shared" | "Immutable">];
gasUsed: {
computationCost: string;
nonRefundableStorageFee: string;
storageCost: string;
storageRebate: string;
modifiedAtVersions: [string, string][];
mutated: [{
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
}, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: {
initialSharedVersion: string;
}, "AddressOwner" | "ObjectOwner" | "Shared" | "Immutable">][];
sharedObjects: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
status: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Failed: {
command: undefined | null | string;
error: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ArityMismatch: true;
CertificateDenied: true;
CircularObjectOwnership: {
object: ...;
CoinBalanceOverflow: true;
CommandArgumentError: {
argIdx: ...;
kind: ...;
EffectsTooLarge: {
currentSize: ...;
maxSize: ...;
FeatureNotYetSupported: true;
FunctionNotFound: true;
InputObjectDeleted: true;
InsufficientCoinBalance: true;
InsufficientGas: true;
InvalidGasObject: true;
InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: {
idx: ...;
InvalidTransferObject: true;
InvariantViolation: true;
MoveAbort: [(...), (...)];
MoveObjectTooBig: {
maxObjectSize: ...;
objectSize: ...;
MovePackageTooBig: {
maxObjectSize: ...;
objectSize: ...;
MovePrimitiveRuntimeError: (...) | (...) | (...);
NonEntryFunctionInvoked: true;
PackageUpgradeError: {
upgradeError: ...;
PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: true;
PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: true;
PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: true;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: true;
SuiMoveVerificationError: true;
SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: true;
TypeArgumentError: {
argumentIdx: ...;
kind: ...;
TypeArityMismatch: true;
UnusedValueWithoutDrop: {
resultIdx: ...;
secondaryIdx: ...;
VMInvariantViolation: true;
VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: true;
WrittenObjectsTooLarge: {
currentSize: ...;
maxSize: ...;
}, "PackageUpgradeError" | "SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed" | "CommandArgumentError" | "TypeArgumentError" | "InsufficientGas" | "InvalidGasObject" | "InvariantViolation" | "FeatureNotYetSupported" | "MoveObjectTooBig" | "MovePackageTooBig" | "CircularObjectOwnership" | "InsufficientCoinBalance" | "CoinBalanceOverflow" | "PublishErrorNonZeroAddress" | "SuiMoveVerificationError" | "MovePrimitiveRuntimeError" | "MoveAbort" | "VMVerificationOrDeserializationError" | "VMInvariantViolation" | "FunctionNotFound" | "ArityMismatch" | "TypeArityMismatch" | "NonEntryFunctionInvoked" | "UnusedValueWithoutDrop" | "InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType" | "InvalidTransferObject" | "EffectsTooLarge" | "PublishUpgradeMissingDependency" | "PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade" | "WrittenObjectsTooLarge" | "CertificateDenied" | "SuiMoveVerificationTimedout" | "InputObjectDeleted">;
Success: true;
}, "Success" | "Failed">;
transactionDigest: string;
unwrapped: [{
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
}, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
AddressOwner: string;
Immutable: true;
ObjectOwner: string;
Shared: {
initialSharedVersion: string;
}, "AddressOwner" | "ObjectOwner" | "Shared" | "Immutable">][];
unwrappedThenDeleted: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
wrapped: {
digest: string;
objectId: string;
version: string;
V2: {
auxDataDigest: undefined | null | string;
changedObjects: [string, {
idOperation: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Created: true;
Deleted: true;
None: true;
}, "None" | "Created" | "Deleted">;
inputState: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Exist: [(...), (...)];
NotExist: true;
}, "NotExist" | "Exist">;
outputState: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
NotExist: true;
ObjectWrite: [(...), (...)];
PackageWrite: [(...), (...)];
}, "NotExist" | "ObjectWrite" | "PackageWrite">;
dependencies: string[];
eventsDigest: undefined | null | string;
executedEpoch: string;
gasObjectIndex: undefined | null | number;
gasUsed: {
computationCost: string;
nonRefundableStorageFee: string;
storageCost: string;
storageRebate: string;
lamportVersion: string;
status: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Failed: {
command: undefined | null | string;
error: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ArityMismatch: true;
CertificateDenied: true;
CircularObjectOwnership: {
object: ...;
CoinBalanceOverflow: true;
CommandArgumentError: {
argIdx: ...;
kind: ...;
EffectsTooLarge: {
currentSize: ...;
maxSize: ...;
FeatureNotYetSupported: true;
FunctionNotFound: true;
InputObjectDeleted: true;
InsufficientCoinBalance: true;
InsufficientGas: true;
InvalidGasObject: true;
InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: {
idx: ...;
InvalidTransferObject: true;
InvariantViolation: true;
MoveAbort: [(...), (...)];
MoveObjectTooBig: {
maxObjectSize: ...;
objectSize: ...;
MovePackageTooBig: {
maxObjectSize: ...;
objectSize: ...;
MovePrimitiveRuntimeError: (...) | (...) | (...);
NonEntryFunctionInvoked: true;
PackageUpgradeError: {
upgradeError: ...;
PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: true;
PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: true;
PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: true;
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: true;
SuiMoveVerificationError: true;
SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: true;
TypeArgumentError: {
argumentIdx: ...;
kind: ...;
TypeArityMismatch: true;
UnusedValueWithoutDrop: {
resultIdx: ...;
secondaryIdx: ...;
VMInvariantViolation: true;
VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: true;
WrittenObjectsTooLarge: {
currentSize: ...;
maxSize: ...;
}, "PackageUpgradeError" | "SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed" | "CommandArgumentError" | "TypeArgumentError" | "InsufficientGas" | "InvalidGasObject" | "InvariantViolation" | "FeatureNotYetSupported" | "MoveObjectTooBig" | "MovePackageTooBig" | "CircularObjectOwnership" | "InsufficientCoinBalance" | "CoinBalanceOverflow" | "PublishErrorNonZeroAddress" | "SuiMoveVerificationError" | "MovePrimitiveRuntimeError" | "MoveAbort" | "VMVerificationOrDeserializationError" | "VMInvariantViolation" | "FunctionNotFound" | "ArityMismatch" | "TypeArityMismatch" | "NonEntryFunctionInvoked" | "UnusedValueWithoutDrop" | "InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType" | "InvalidTransferObject" | "EffectsTooLarge" | "PublishUpgradeMissingDependency" | "PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade" | "WrittenObjectsTooLarge" | "CertificateDenied" | "SuiMoveVerificationTimedout" | "InputObjectDeleted">;
Success: true;
}, "Success" | "Failed">;
transactionDigest: string;
unchangedSharedObjects: [string, EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
MutateDeleted: string;
ReadDeleted: string;
ReadOnlyRoot: [string, string];
}, "ReadOnlyRoot" | "MutateDeleted" | "ReadDeleted">][];
}, "V1" | "V2">, EnumInputShape<{
V1: {
created: Iterable<readonly [{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}, EnumInputShape<{
AddressOwner: (...) | (...);
Immutable: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
ObjectOwner: (...) | (...);
Shared: {
initialSharedVersion: ...;
}>]> & {
length: number;
deleted: Iterable<{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}> & {
length: number;
dependencies: Iterable<string> & {
length: number;
eventsDigest: undefined | null | string;
executedEpoch: string | number | bigint;
gasObject: readonly [{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}, EnumInputShape<{
AddressOwner: string | Uint8Array;
Immutable: null | boolean | object;
ObjectOwner: string | Uint8Array;
Shared: {
initialSharedVersion: string | number | bigint;
gasUsed: {
computationCost: string | number | bigint;
nonRefundableStorageFee: string | number | bigint;
storageCost: string | number | bigint;
storageRebate: string | number | bigint;
modifiedAtVersions: Iterable<readonly [string | Uint8Array, string | number | bigint]> & {
length: number;
mutated: Iterable<readonly [{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}, EnumInputShape<{
AddressOwner: (...) | (...);
Immutable: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
ObjectOwner: (...) | (...);
Shared: {
initialSharedVersion: ...;
}>]> & {
length: number;
sharedObjects: Iterable<{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}> & {
length: number;
status: EnumInputShape<{
Failed: {
command: undefined | null | string | number | bigint;
error: EnumInputShape<{
ArityMismatch: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
CertificateDenied: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
CircularObjectOwnership: {
object: ...;
CoinBalanceOverflow: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
CommandArgumentError: {
argIdx: ...;
kind: ...;
EffectsTooLarge: {
currentSize: ...;
maxSize: ...;
FeatureNotYetSupported: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
FunctionNotFound: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InputObjectDeleted: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InsufficientCoinBalance: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InsufficientGas: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InvalidGasObject: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: {
idx: ...;
InvalidTransferObject: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InvariantViolation: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
MoveAbort: readonly [(...), (...)];
MoveObjectTooBig: {
maxObjectSize: ...;
objectSize: ...;
MovePackageTooBig: {
maxObjectSize: ...;
objectSize: ...;
MovePrimitiveRuntimeError: (...) | (...) | (...);
NonEntryFunctionInvoked: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
PackageUpgradeError: {
upgradeError: ...;
PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
SuiMoveVerificationError: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
TypeArgumentError: {
argumentIdx: ...;
kind: ...;
TypeArityMismatch: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
UnusedValueWithoutDrop: {
resultIdx: ...;
secondaryIdx: ...;
VMInvariantViolation: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
WrittenObjectsTooLarge: {
currentSize: ...;
maxSize: ...;
Success: null | boolean | object;
transactionDigest: string;
unwrapped: Iterable<readonly [{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}, EnumInputShape<{
AddressOwner: (...) | (...);
Immutable: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
ObjectOwner: (...) | (...);
Shared: {
initialSharedVersion: ...;
}>]> & {
length: number;
unwrappedThenDeleted: Iterable<{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}> & {
length: number;
wrapped: Iterable<{
digest: string;
objectId: string | Uint8Array;
version: string | number | bigint;
}> & {
length: number;
V2: {
auxDataDigest: undefined | null | string;
changedObjects: Iterable<readonly [string | Uint8Array, {
idOperation: EnumInputShape<{
Created: ...;
Deleted: ...;
None: ...;
inputState: EnumInputShape<{
Exist: ...;
NotExist: ...;
outputState: EnumInputShape<{
NotExist: ...;
ObjectWrite: ...;
PackageWrite: ...;
}]> & {
length: number;
dependencies: Iterable<string> & {
length: number;
eventsDigest: undefined | null | string;
executedEpoch: string | number | bigint;
gasObjectIndex: undefined | null | number;
gasUsed: {
computationCost: string | number | bigint;
nonRefundableStorageFee: string | number | bigint;
storageCost: string | number | bigint;
storageRebate: string | number | bigint;
lamportVersion: string | number | bigint;
status: EnumInputShape<{
Failed: {
command: undefined | null | string | number | bigint;
error: EnumInputShape<{
ArityMismatch: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
CertificateDenied: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
CircularObjectOwnership: {
object: ...;
CoinBalanceOverflow: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
CommandArgumentError: {
argIdx: ...;
kind: ...;
EffectsTooLarge: {
currentSize: ...;
maxSize: ...;
FeatureNotYetSupported: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
FunctionNotFound: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InputObjectDeleted: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InsufficientCoinBalance: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InsufficientGas: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InvalidGasObject: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InvalidPublicFunctionReturnType: {
idx: ...;
InvalidTransferObject: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
InvariantViolation: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
MoveAbort: readonly [(...), (...)];
MoveObjectTooBig: {
maxObjectSize: ...;
objectSize: ...;
MovePackageTooBig: {
maxObjectSize: ...;
objectSize: ...;
MovePrimitiveRuntimeError: (...) | (...) | (...);
NonEntryFunctionInvoked: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
PackageUpgradeError: {
upgradeError: ...;
PublishErrorNonZeroAddress: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
PublishUpgradeDependencyDowngrade: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
PublishUpgradeMissingDependency: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
SharedObjectOperationNotAllowed: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
SuiMoveVerificationError: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
SuiMoveVerificationTimedout: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
TypeArgumentError: {
argumentIdx: ...;
kind: ...;
TypeArityMismatch: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
UnusedValueWithoutDrop: {
resultIdx: ...;
secondaryIdx: ...;
VMInvariantViolation: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
VMVerificationOrDeserializationError: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
WrittenObjectsTooLarge: {
currentSize: ...;
maxSize: ...;
Success: null | boolean | object;
transactionDigest: string;
unchangedSharedObjects: Iterable<readonly [string | Uint8Array, EnumInputShape<{
MutateDeleted: (...) | (...) | (...);
ReadDeleted: (...) | (...) | (...);
ReadOnlyRoot: readonly [(...), (...)];
}>]> & {
length: number;
TransactionExpiration: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Epoch: number;
None: true;
}, "None" | "Epoch">, EnumInputShape<{
Epoch: string | number;
None: null | boolean | object;
TransactionKind: BcsType<EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ChangeEpoch: true;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: true;
Genesis: true;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>[];
type: null | string;
MergeCoins: {
destination: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: ...;
Input: ...;
NestedResult: ...;
Result: ...;
}, (...) | (...) | (...) | (...)>;
sources: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>[];
MoveCall: {
arguments: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>[];
function: string;
module: string;
package: string;
typeArguments: string[];
Publish: {
dependencies: string[];
modules: string[];
SplitCoins: {
amounts: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>[];
coin: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: ...;
Input: ...;
NestedResult: ...;
Result: ...;
}, (...) | (...) | (...) | (...)>;
TransferObjects: {
address: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: ...;
Input: ...;
NestedResult: ...;
Result: ...;
}, (...) | (...) | (...) | (...)>;
objects: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<(...), (...)>[];
Upgrade: {
dependencies: string[];
modules: string[];
package: string;
ticket: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
GasCoin: ...;
Input: ...;
NestedResult: ...;
Result: ...;
}, (...) | (...) | (...) | (...)>;
}, "MoveCall" | "TransferObjects" | "SplitCoins" | "MergeCoins" | "Publish" | "MakeMoveVec" | "Upgrade">[];
inputs: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
Object: EnumOutputShapeWithKeys<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: {
digest: ...;
objectId: ...;
version: ...;
Receiving: {
digest: ...;
objectId: ...;
version: ...;
SharedObject: {
initialSharedVersion: ...;
mutable: ...;
objectId: ...;
}, "ImmOrOwnedObject" | "SharedObject" | "Receiving">;
Pure: {
bytes: string;
}, "Pure" | "Object">[];
}, "ProgrammableTransaction" | "ChangeEpoch" | "Genesis" | "ConsensusCommitPrologue">, EnumInputShape<{
ChangeEpoch: null | boolean | object;
ConsensusCommitPrologue: null | boolean | object;
Genesis: null | boolean | object;
ProgrammableTransaction: {
commands: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
MakeMoveVec: {
elements: (...) & (...);
type: (...) | (...);
MergeCoins: {
destination: EnumInputShape<(...)>;
sources: (...) & (...);
MoveCall: {
arguments: (...) & (...);
function: string;
module: string;
package: (...) | (...);
typeArguments: (...) & (...);
Publish: {
dependencies: (...) & (...);
modules: (...) & (...);
SplitCoins: {
amounts: (...) & (...);
coin: EnumInputShape<(...)>;
TransferObjects: {
address: EnumInputShape<(...)>;
objects: (...) & (...);
Upgrade: {
dependencies: (...) & (...);
modules: (...) & (...);
package: (...) | (...);
ticket: EnumInputShape<(...)>;
}>> & {
length: number;
inputs: Iterable<EnumInputShape<{
Object: EnumInputShape<{
ImmOrOwnedObject: ...;
Receiving: ...;
SharedObject: ...;
Pure: {
bytes: (...) | (...);
}>> & {
length: number;
U128: BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
U16: BcsType<number, number>
U256: BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
U32: BcsType<number, number>
U64: BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
U8: BcsType<number, number>
ULEB128: BcsType<number, number>
- bool(options?): BcsType<boolean, boolean>
Returns BcsType<boolean, boolean>
- bytes<T>(size, options?): BcsType<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>
Returns BcsType<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>
- enum<T_9>(name, values, options?): BcsType<EnumOutputShape<{
[K_10 in string | number | symbol]: T_9[K_10] extends BcsType<U_6, any>
? U_6
: true
}>, EnumInputShape<{
[K_11 in string | number | symbol]: T_9[K_11] extends BcsType<any, U_7>
? U_7
: null | boolean | object
}>> Type Parameters
- T_9 extends Record<string, null | BcsType<any, any>>
Returns BcsType<EnumOutputShape<{
[K_10 in string | number | symbol]: T_9[K_10] extends BcsType<U_6, any>
? U_6
: true
}>, EnumInputShape<{
[K_11 in string | number | symbol]: T_9[K_11] extends BcsType<any, U_7>
? U_7
: null | boolean | object
- fixedArray<T_1, Input>(size, type, options?): BcsType<T_1[], Iterable<Input> & {
length: number;
}> Returns BcsType<T_1[], Iterable<Input> & {
length: number;
- lazy<T_10>(cb): T_10
- string(options?): BcsType<string, string>
Returns BcsType<string, string>
- struct<T_8>(name, fields, options?): BcsType<{
[K_6 in string | number | symbol]: T_8[K_6] extends BcsType<U_2, any>
? U_2
: never
}, {
[K_7 in string | number | symbol]: T_8[K_7] extends BcsType<any, U_3>
? U_3
: never
}> Type Parameters
- T_8 extends Record<string, BcsType<any, any>>
- name: string
- fields: T_8
options: Omit<BcsTypeOptions<{
[K_4 in string | number | symbol]: T_8[K_4] extends BcsType<U, any>
? U
: never
}, {
[K_5 in string | number | symbol]: T_8[K_5] extends BcsType<any, U_1>
? U_1
: never
}>, "name">
Returns BcsType<{
[K_6 in string | number | symbol]: T_8[K_6] extends BcsType<U_2, any>
? U_2
: never
}, {
[K_7 in string | number | symbol]: T_8[K_7] extends BcsType<any, U_3>
? U_3
: never
- tuple<const Types>(types, options?): BcsType<{
-readonly [K_2 in string | number | symbol]: Types[K_2<K_2>] extends BcsType<T_6, any>
? T_6
: never
}, {
[K_3 in string | number | symbol]: Types[K_3<K_3>] extends BcsType<any, T_7>
? T_7
: never
}> Type Parameters
- const Types extends readonly BcsType<any, any>[]
- types: Types
options: BcsTypeOptions<{
-readonly [K in string | number | symbol]: Types[K<K>] extends BcsType<T_4, any>
? T_4
: never
}, {
[K_1 in string | number | symbol]: Types[K_1<K_1>] extends BcsType<any, T_5>
? T_5
: never
Returns BcsType<{
-readonly [K_2 in string | number | symbol]: Types[K_2<K_2>] extends BcsType<T_6, any>
? T_6
: never
}, {
[K_3 in string | number | symbol]: Types[K_3<K_3>] extends BcsType<any, T_7>
? T_7
: never
- u128(options?): BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
Returns BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
- u16(options?): BcsType<number, number>
Returns BcsType<number, number>
- u256(options?): BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
Returns BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
- u32(options?): BcsType<number, number>
Returns BcsType<number, number>
- u64(options?): BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
Returns BcsType<string, string | number | bigint>
- u8(options?): BcsType<number, number>
Returns BcsType<number, number>
- uleb128(options?): BcsType<number, number>
Returns BcsType<number, number>
Creates a BcsType that can be used to read and write boolean values.